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Extra-Curricular Activities

We pride ourselves in offering an enormous number of extracurricular activities across school years. As part of their studies, we aim to ensure that every child has the opportunity to go on a trip or an enrichment activity during their time at The Howard. In lessons such as Geography, we take students out of the school grounds to conduct fieldwork, and even offer European residential trips; students have visited Italy and Iceland in the past, and our Performing Arts students have made trips to New York to see Broadway shows and enhance their learning.

Outside of the curriculum, we also offer numerous clubs and activities that cater to a wide variety of student interests. All of our PE teachers run at least one after-school sports club each week, including Football, Cricket and Rugby. Our students often compete, and do well, in local sporting events. We run Drama clubs and have collaborated in the past with other local schools to perform full-scale musical productions including Les Misérables and Hairspray. Other clubs include Debate Club, Chess Club and a Library Club, where students are invited to relax during breaktime with books, board games and arts and crafts.

After School Sports Clubs Term 6


Other Extra-Curricular Activities- Term 6